Information Verification

Posted by on August 3, 2016 in General |

Prove what we are saying, no doubt is a little awkward, but in truth, there are traces that can help us to verify the accuracy that the case requires. On the one hand we read the measurements of Noah’s Ark with great detail and we are surprised because in doing so and check its size in the Bible we notice the lateness of your information in technology. Furthermore, it is now possible to verify this action, just five years, thanks to satellites, you know where it is located. Using communications satellites and aerospace, there are clear indications through photographs of Noah’s Ark, lies in the very site that tells the Bible, yes, we know it today is on the site Taking as a rest to stop rain water and dried, it is embedded under a layer of ice on the eastern slope of Mount Ararat. Now it is also clear that some of you must be born the curiosity to know or at least wonder about the fate of this one, which we assume ordered built by King Solomon.

And where is? Happened to it after their second or third trip to the shores of America? And can know if its true before Columbus came to America? Our search and discovery events, allow us to assume that of Solomon. was later burned by the Babylonians in the time of Solomon the Wise lost part of their faith. They say it was then, when influenced by his foreign wives, their cultures, customs and worship, he, King Solomon, made sculptures worshiping other gods, which consequently brought their distance from the divine protection and this in turn reduced his spirit and it was therefore, helping to weaken the strength of its military force, which was noted for immediately, because he could no longer stop the invasion of enemies peoples: the Babylonians those with a thirst for vengeance and lust for power, were responsible for the destruction of the First Temple and the forced disappearance and alleged burning of the new Ark of King Solomon.


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