University People

Posted by on August 15, 2016 in General |

Then, by order of the plant management engines KAMAZ, we have developed a project of the University of Technology, for children of employees. Five days Workshop working group of about 50 people actually drafted a completely new educational institutions. Interestingly, in the working group had neither the doctors nor the candidate of pedagogical sciences, only the boys, who were to learn, parents – engineers, teachers, working with children. I led this group received brief instructions from Talgat Foatovich: "Ask: What questions should be answered in order to …? And then you you know what to do. " Further includes technology that students and TF Akbasheva called "integrator of life" or simply "Akbasheva integrator." The same difficulties – TOP VIEW What was the problem as head of laboratory representative of science? In the language of practical psychology, developed by the School Galperin, she lacked "the orienting basis of activity" in this situation. What happened during the group's work? Was found such support – the scheme of action, the issues presented, in response to which it became possible to solve the problem – build a model of vocational director. And that helped build such a "regularities" (schemes of action)? One specific question, given time, started the process of working groups and technology associations collective responses. CONCLUSIONS In the complex task when the method and means for its solution can not be seen, helps to use simple method proposed by TF Akbasheva: 1) State the problem 2) establish the necessary cooperation of the people capable of working on this problem, and 3) build a program with them solve the problem, and 4) in this program with the same or new people solved it.

If this problem is not solved cooperation – to strengthen co-operation, will convene more people. Behind this simplicity – the thousand-year experience of mankind to solve its problems. Talgat Foatovich simply isolated from this experience a clear framework, cleansed of all sorts of details.

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