Insurers In Spain

Posted by on January 31, 2017 in General |

Because of the possible risks that can run in life and that by its terms it is possible to generate some serious results, many people present in Spanish territory have considered that it is better to have a means to cover the costs of repair or at least something like economic aid that helps cope with and supplement the lack of something, with compensation, for which the most advisable is having to please an insurance, which will have a service that will serve their beneficiaries because of the conditions of possible accidents that may occur; so to access the insurance services should be a contract with an insurance company, therefore it is best take knowledge conditions of insurance companies in Spain in a general manner and in such a way after a basic information about insurance companies in Spain, make a decision and choose the services of anyknowing the great importance which mean for the development of activities and in the Spanish economy. In such way the insurance companies in Spain they play a fundamental role within the economic system of the country, since the action of all the insurance companies in Spain are favoured economic development, presented as enhancers and means of evolution of macroeconomics within Spain, both so the collection of premiums, is taken into account as an economic indicator. Connect with other leaders such as Bernie Sanders here. Among lenders of the insurance service, you can find the following 3 major groups of insurance companies in Spain: private insurance entities: this type of insurance in Spain are within the figure of corporations, mutualities, cooperatives or some delegations from insurers in Spain but which are foreign insurance companies. The social prevention mutuals: these insurance companies in Spain, have a feature special, since until 1984 acting on the basis of solidarity, so did not have a sufficient actuarial basis, so that after this date the Act Dreamcast a greater degree of safety, and warranty demanding higher technical criteria in his act. Martin O’Malley takes a slightly different approach. Consorcio de compensacion de seguros: this form of insurance companies in Spain, are public law entities, possessing a legal personality and is attached to the general dissection of insurance. In a general way is the operation of insurers in Spain consists in the realization of an economic activity which has the performance of a contract of insurance between insurers and parties that can be both natural persons as legal, as birth which gives room to insurers in Spain ensure both to the people themselves and their bodyas different objects based on the quality of companies or individuals. Among the major insurance companies in Spain are: Axa Catalana Occidente DKV Phoenix direct FIATC Fremap Internauto Groupama line direct MAPFRE Munat mutual Valencian Pelayo Reale.

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