Recommended Meals

Posted by on August 26, 2018 in General |

Meals should also be light, trying to decrease the amount of lipids flee the junk food, although this is a general and non-specific recommendation. On the other hand Asefarma stresses that while is the titular pharmacist who has the capability of management and organisation of your pharmacy, shift work, among other things, they are conditions that agreed in the contract of employment, this being an agreement between employer and worker. Michael Chabon has compatible beliefs. Also across enterprise must have an occupational risk prevention plan and inform and educate the worker of the risks associated with the job. In another order of things this advice also He explains that after a night shift can be overtime. Labour legislation establishes restrictions to these shifts, implications that have on health. These days may not exceed 8 hours per day on average in a reference period of 15 days.

There is also the prohibition of carrying out overtime for night shifts in the workers Statute. Another question to which Asefarma responded is the if is profitable for the worker put the white gown of night. The pharmacy Convention, regulates in its article 30, the amount to be paid in plus nocturnality concept. He establishes that this plus will consist of 15% of the base salary monthly that the worker come perceiving. As to whether it is or not profitable must assess the reasons why this shift is chosen that are either economic (to be increased the wage with night moves plus), the character or personality of the employee, their personal circumstances and family, and the high cost of health that entails, says Illera. About ASEFARMA: ASEFARMA, S.L. is a global consultancy of pharmacies and pharmacists with areas of buying and selling of offices of pharmacy, tax, labor, accounting, financial, insurance, legal and strategic consultancy committed to finding solutions to the problems posed by the professional activity of the pharmacist, with a direct and continuous contact with their clients, who advises of the innovations that occur in all the above-mentioned areas, and how they affect both to them and to their pharmacy. Note to journalists: for more information or interview request please do not hesitate to contact us. Nuria Coronado Sandra Nozal Tfno: 91 657 42 81 original author and source of the article.


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