Speaking Both Languages

Posted by on December 13, 2013 in General |

Bob Bean thought long not with his brother and take advantage of the occasions. Alex felt a great happiness when I told her brother. I also wanted very much to be back on that date with his brother. In truth, as it had said to his mother, a l wanted everyone was gathered that night, including Joey, but was content to be at least his brother. Her parents have come Habakkuk Cleve because they had no vacation days at work. Next to Alex’s parents came to visit again.

This time I did it for a full month. Samantha, was to celebrate its first anniversary and wanted to be present. They found that his granddaughter was a child is very restless and shifting. I was all day dancing and humming, as saba’re still not speaking, songs with dancing. Bean started to walk alone Haqqah a month and already desenvolvaa with complete ease. Kelly took her in his little hands and danced together at the camp s of music for hours.

None showed signs of fatigue. Cleve, ma s quiet, watching with pleasure the scene sitting at Diva n. Rarely, UNAA dancing. Mabel and Alex Habakkuk agreed for the child to speak both both languages to communicate with all the Members of his family. Each spoke in their native language, so that the accent was correct in both cases and did not have the distortion n habitual often suffer any language when it is interpreted by those who learn, after they have established muscle development and guttural tongue mother.


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