
Posted by on June 13, 2018 in General |

For other people’s reasons to it equips of Archaeology, and that if they had arrested with questions of security guard in workmanship, the archaeological hollowing elapsed in two phases. The first one that it elapsed enters 18 of December of 2006 and 23 of February of 2007; one second phase, after the execution of micron-would estake, and that it elapsed between June and August of 2007. The methodology of used hollowing was the proposal for E. Harris, with the removal of the layers for inverse order to its natural deposition, with definition of estratigrficas units. The hollowing area was square-lined according to alphanumeric system. The photographic and graphical register was efectuado, through the archaeological drawing with the coordinate correspondents (X, Y and Z), as well as described all the observed estratigrficas units. The exhumed archaeological material was conditioned in accordance with the UE' provenincia s, and registados in inventory fiche.

Altimetry was reference in the registers of intervention, being that all the quotas had been taken from a point f, fixture (= 0,87), situated in the door-sill of access to the building (for the Street of They are Julio). The archaeological hollowing of this area allowed to certify the presence us of structures daily pay and after-terramoto of 1755, that centuries XIV-XV and ends of the century are marked out with buoys between Xvii-beginnings of century XVIII. In the area of short hollowing a wall potentially older was also rank, that will be able to date of centuries XI-XII (in its base one was discovered breaks up contends deep of vidrada goblet the melado one, with decoration the manganese, typically datvel of this Islamic period). The archaeological hollowing after initiated the paved with flagstone removal of pombalino, that all covered the internal area of the building, and constitua for flagstone, limy, rectangulares (final of century XVIII). All the area if found covered by a first argilo-arenaceous rubbish layer, of texture and coloration 0 variable, between the chestnut and the yellowish one.


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