Babies and Discomfort

Posted by on April 21, 2011 in General |

On the belly of the child can put a hot water bottle with warm water or a film folded in quarters and hot iron. Often helps the vapor tube, the gases will depart and the child feels better. If that fails, then the child is given activated charcoal or enterosgel. Intestinal colic children were always given dill water. Sometimes it helps.

There are special drugs that are not absorbed in the gut, and act only on the gas bubble, breaking his wall (for example, "Espumizan). But it is better to appointment of any medication consult your doctor. Diaper rash diaper rash is irritation that can occur due to wrong time handed over to the diaper, not the dried skin, lack of opportunities for the skin to breathe, etc. Avoid them easily, carefully looking after a child. Crying during urination Such a cry indicates inflammation in the urinary tract. Very seriously, if it is combined with high temperatures.

Urgent call physician and blood tests and urine tests. Because young children often end up cystitis pyelonephritis. Creek during defecation Crying during defecation may indicate that stimulation of the anus. Notice hygiene of the child's body, regularly tempted him with warm boiled water. More often it concerns children who are prone to constipation. However, it could be mucosal damage anus and mistyped the vapor tube, or rectal candles. Tired Children, too tired, and besides, even faster than the bigger and the more adult. Tired of the child is not only a whimper or cry, but also loss of interest in the outside world. He would sleep, but small children do not always able to fall asleep themselves. Therefore it is necessary to extinguish the light, hold the baby in her arms, shake, sing a lullaby, you can buy, if a child is like or the weather is good revile him in his arms on the outside, but only when other not noisy, no cars and crowds of people. Teething cutting his teeth in some children is a painless process, but the other children, this process causes great discomfort. Watch for the baby. Admits he excessive amount of saliva? Does he bite your fingers or other objects? Does the child have red gums? Does the child supplementary feeding of breast or bottle? On the other hand, if he refuses the breast or bottle, according to Due to the fact that the process of how you think causes pain in the gums? Other symptoms may include loss of appetite and disturbed sleep. Gentle finger massage produce inflamed gums (in front of this well Wash your hands). Give your child a little chew chilled, not icy teething ring or a frozen banana. The need for communication to desire intercourse and fear of loneliness baby may just like an adult. So, if there is absolutely no reason for crying, but the kid still whines or cries, it means you just need to approach it, take your hands, talk, sing a song. Reluctance to go to bed If, before going to sleep, baby cries, capricious, touches feet, trying to throw the diaper, so it is too early to sleep. It is better for a while unswathe him and give an opportunity to "walk". Weeping for no apparent reason – this is not so much the disease, how high nervous excitability of the child. Try to clean his room bright lights, loud music. Do not turn the kid in tv and computer. Longer walk in the fresh air.

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