They are not interested parties, therefore, in the businesses of? its? city: it does not pass of a place as others and as all, small insignificant e, when seen of the privileged position of ciberespao, its true one? although virtual? morada' '. But Bauman, in another book, Community? The search for security in the current world, brings to tona the forceful ones symptoms of impoverishment and dissolution of the personal relations, and in them make the following rhetorical question: ' ' You want security? He opens hand of its freedom, or at least of good part of it. You want to be able to trust? He does not trust nobody of it are of the community. You want mutual agreement? He does not speak with strangers, nor he says foreign languages. You want this aconchegante sensation of the home? He puts alarms in its door and cameras of TV in the access. You want protection? He does not receive strangers and one abstains to act in quaint way or to have bizarros thoughts.
You want aconchego? He does not arrive close to the window, and he never opens it. The knot of the question is that if you to follow this advice and to keep the closed windows, the surrounding one soon will be sultry e, in the limit, opressivo' '. coming back to the text of this fichamento, Bauman affirms that ' ' the elegant models of urban life, constructed with the aid of clear contrapositions, can provide many satisfactions to the constructors of theories, but in the practical one do not serve of much thing for the urban planners, and less still for the inhabitants who face the challenges of the life in cidade' '. How to fight for the right to the city, in this globalizado world? Bauman says that ' ' in this world that if globaliza, the politics tends to be? each gotten passionate time more and conscientiously? place.