Bees in Nature

Posted by on October 31, 2013 in General |

Our planet inhabited by many species of plants and animals. Not all of them understood, not all people know. And the bees can be seen everywhere blooming plants. Know about them, adults and children. Bees – A large group of insects. Of all the species of bees is the most widespread and meaningful for people honeybee. She lives a family, belongs to the third level of organization of living nature, in which metabolic processes are not limited to cell or even any single complex organism. In family is very close interaction between individuals.

Observing the life of the family, the structure of its nest, behavior and complex work of bees and production of unique products for humans is a great educational and practical interest. Bees help natural regeneration and enrichment of the flora, since they are the best pollinators entomophilous plants, including crops (80-95%). In living nature of our Planet bees are an essential element of the environment, a means of maintaining close ties multifaceted inter-species, their diet – only plant products – nectar and pollen. Thus, the life and reproduction of this species of insects may only where there is nectar. Plants well adapted to entomophily, produce seeds in the presence of pollinators.

As a result of human activity has a poor vegetation honey, and nectar is not enough, so the bees have to feed, to create for them an adequate food supply. Honeybee as a species formed in the tropics of Southeast Asia. From there the bee colonies in ancient times, natural way to spread to Africa then to Europe.


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