Chambers Techniques

Posted by on September 25, 2018 in General |

' The indispensable participation of the States of the Amaznia in the Chamber Technique of Ambient Education, of the National Advice of Environment ' ' SUMMARY: 1. Introduction; 2. – Historical; 3. – Questioning; 4. – Conclusion. 1. INTRODUCTION the National Politics of Ambient Education, instituted through the Law n 9795, of 27.04.99, establishes as ambient education the processes by means of which the individual and the collective construct to social values, knowledge, abilities, attitudes and abilities come back toward the conservation of the environment, public easement of the people, essential to the healthy quality of life and its support (art.

1) and that it is an essential and permanent component of the national education, having to be present, of articulated form, in all the levels and modalities of the educative process, in formal character and not-deed of division (art. 2). The ambient education, as instrument in the defense politics and preservation of the environment, beyond right of all, also it charges to all in the educative process, to start for the Public Power. inside of this conception, the Union, when placing in practical ways of defense and preservation, instituted the Ministry of the Environment and this, through its National Advice of Environment (CONAMA), created some Chambers Techniques, amongst which of Ambient Education, as instrument of diffusion of this public politics. Thus, the Chamber Technique of Educao Ambiental (CTEA) is one of the 11 (eleven) entailed chambers techniques to the CONAMA, having as performance areas: ) the indicating ones of performance and evaluation of the decurrent actions of ambient education of the politics, programs and projects of government; b) lines of direction for elaboration and implementation of the politics and state programs of ambient education; c) advising to the too much Chambers Techniques, in what it refers to the ambient education; d) action of ambient education in the politics of conservation of biodiversity, ambient zoning, licensing and revision of activities potentially polluting effective or, management of residues, coastal management, management of hdricos resources, order of resources fishing boats, sustainable handling of environmental resources, ecoturismo and improvement of ambient quality.


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