Christmas A Strange Solitude

Posted by on April 12, 2013 in General |

Earlier, preparations for the Christmas season began two days earlier. We knew that it was beginning a new time, a time of ritual and celebration. We didn’t know that we contribuiamos to the song of life which is the feast of the winter solstice that light is not ended and returned to the Sun after the longest night of the year. The rites are necessary, says the Fox to his new friend, the little Prince, a rite is what distinguishes one day from another, a similar time. What else will give a date than other if time is usury of life? But human beings need the celebration following the course of nature.

Earlier, celebrated the harvest or vintage, the rites of love or step. Or religious festivals coming to coincide with ancestral customs related to the cycles of agriculture. Today we celebrate staying alive and try to give meaning to every moment of our existence because the meaning of a life escapes us. Something goes wrong in the world and we dare not tackle causes contenting with relieve some effect of the structural injustice, to calm some consciousness, hence the alms and the bonuses. But we rush into the maelstrom of a ridiculous consumerism.

We miss Street to buy for this or the other, while during the rest of the year we are not able to find a moment to learn how to find, to listen to it. In these moments we risk become object of our request, to the other when the other is always subject coming out to meet and challenges us. This is our unfinished, listen to and welcome, let us love without overwhelm with our tips or with our gifts. Leave people as they are without trying to change them. Why when someone says us wants to intend it to change us? But if you’ve known me, as nonsense that contrasted and complemented yours, do that now that we are going to mature we intend to change us? Leaving stones as stones without attempting to transform them into bread.

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