
Posted by on October 11, 2018 in General |

Once you’ve overwhelmed by lack of time and results? As a seller it is very common you are saturated in your daily routine with all kinds of activities and earrings to perform. However, if you do an analysis of your activities, you will discover, that there are only four things that take you to close more sales and get more customers. These are: find a track, a reference, or an introduction of new prospects, which will lead us to a person who is able to purchase decision. Get an appointment to meet with this person. Get a face-to-face meeting with the person with power of purchase decision. Get close a sale or failing that get a commitment to perform some action that directly leads to the closing of sale.

Close more sales by applying a system to measure success in your results. These four actions although they are necessary to achieve a sale do not all have the same importance. Obviously not the same get 15 referrals which closed 15 sales. So to be able to measure success in your close sales will need to adopt a system that can measure your efficiency in daily operations. This provides: A point to step number one. Two points to step number two. Three points to step number three.

Four points to step number four. Works every day to obtain a minimum of sixteen points in any combination of steps: eight tracks, four references, two introductions. Four references and four interviews. Eight appointments. Eight tracks and two quotes. Four sales, etc. You can get greater than sixteen points goals if you want, depends on you, so productive you want to be, and the number of close sales you want to obtain. The next step is to go to your daily planner and write: obtain sixteen points every day the key is to use the system day by day and not wait to Friday to get 40 points. If you propose to achieve a minimum of sixteen daily points you’ll ever run without closing sales, never have slow periods and you’ll be sowing and reaping sales closing constantly. Try this simple system for 21 working days to make it yours, and add it as an integral part of your arsenal of sales strategies. Permitted reproduction partial or total of this article provided the author data and image links and Blog are retained.

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