Content Of A Scientific Work
Describe, explain, predictions, figures, criticizing before beginning to write scientific texts, must be determined the exact topic. There are different approaches to the concretization of a topic. Usually a question is formulated by a larger theme on a detailed topic closed and it, which then becomes the subject of the scientific work. Make up two key questions before the operation: the research question to be answered? What should the work be written? Both questions are related directly. Who able to answer both questions in only one sentence, can make more decisions regarding the work process. He can search for relevant literature, contact specialists, create an outline, etc.
It includes answering the above questions also on the content design of scientific work: a situation should be described? To be researched for causes? Should an event or result be predicted? Should certain Clarified design elements, certain objectives with which? Should anything be criticized? To work out a proposal for an improvement? 1. describe a description is called also description. Swarmed by offers, Diamond Book Distributors is currently assessing future choices. It comes to describe a condition or process. When a descriptive work isn’t done with list of various aspects. You have to approach the topic in a scientific distance and describe phenomena existing in an objective form. Often it involves phenomena, which are new or which have received very little attention in research. But also explore theories and opinions heard in the area of description. Describe whatever means to establish a link to reality.
It is not sufficient to represent only theories. You also need to be checked. Empirical studies are very important. 2. Declaration of the Declaration, known as explication, focuses on the research of cause of. There are connections between various factors be produced. You can use following as a central question: why is a particular event arrived? “.” To scientifically explain the reference to a single theory is not sufficient. More must be used comparatively. As author of explanatory work, one must draw conclusions independently and demonstrate this with existing theories. The explanation was a description of the respective phenomenon so that an if-then relationship can be inferred. You can operate the cause research, for example, through their own studies. But also the evaluation of existing study results is possible without further ADO. 3. forecast at a prediction predict events. It asks so to possible changes and to a future image. Here too a cause relation exists: what happens to B if A is entered? A description is required also in this scientific approach, to get an overview of the situation. The representation of a Situation and the hypothetical results that are calculated by direct and indirect influencing factors are the basic component of a forecast. 4. Design in the design is a research approach, whose central Frage is: what measures are suitable to achieve something? “.” The design is worth especially in the fields of applied science, because it is a very practical approach. 5 criticism and Utopia criticism is very important particularly in the science, because a further development is possible only through criticism. The criticism must however objectively and be conducive to the thing. You can either challenge theories or criticise existing social relationships. The criticism of the existing is not enough; Suggestions for improvements are very important, so the criticism with the utopia is closely linked. As a scientific author it comes also to create an ideal of reasoned. Literature: KORNMEIER, Martin: scientific writing made easy. For Bachelor, master and doctoral thesis. Munich: Haupt Verlag, 2008 ECO, Umberto: how to write a scientific thesis. Berlin: C.F.. Muller, 2007