Corporal Technique

Posted by on October 2, 2018 in General |

Laraia in supplies a simple, but very efficient example to them, to illustrate this perspective? the laugh. Citizens of different cultures laugh at distinct things and for distinct reasons. A Kaapor indian can laugh at scare; the Japanese for times laugh for label; the Americans laugh at comedy pastelo etc. In the same way that the laugh, the use that if makes of the body also depends on the culture, as it suggests the author when citing the article of Marcel Mauss, Notion of Corporal Technique. Amongst the examples, it is distinguished gastronmica diversity human being, of where it elapses that foods considered flavorful and requintados in a culture can awake repulse in others. From this idea of ' ' it repulses what estranho&#039 sounds; ' , the author calls the attention pair a etnocntrica trend, which consists, in general terms, in considering each one the way of living of its culture as superior to excessively.

After that, Laraia retakes the subject of the influences of the culture on the biological one, using as example the Kaapor indians, who believe that the vision of a ghost is a death signal? they believe it to of so vehement form that the indians arrive to die. The influence of the culture on the organism also is proven in the sprouting of psychosomatic illnesses, or in the effectiveness of known ' ' effect placebo' '. Laraia places to follow that the individuals participate differently of each culture. The degree of participation of each one in a culture depends on innumerable factors, as age, sex, social status etc. The author supplies several of these cases, as for example, the establishment of a minimum age the vote or the marriage. In this direction, he also detaches the importance of each one to know the system minimum cultural in which he is inserted. from these systems that the people know as to act, what is allowed to make or not etc, in order to be fit socially.


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