Data Recovery
Hard drives require specific working conditions. Today computers are working 24 hours a day in part due to the increase of broadband Internet access at the Office and household connections. Hard drives must have an operating temperature 5 C to 55 C according to each manufacturer’s specification, to ensure correct operation; exceeding this temperature on the inside of the computer case makes the hard drive to work in inadequate conditions. All the mechanical parts of the hard drive have some degree of contraction and dilation. Although we think that the housing of the disc is a block of non-deformable rigid aluminum it is not true, since the parts are deformed to a greater or lesser extent with the contrasts of temperature. If within the disk hard a playhead needs to position itself with nanometer precision for reading a data track, an imbalance in the housing that sustains it can produce, and in fact produces, which fails to correctly read a track that had been written in other conditions. But as well as a low temperature facilitates the proper functioning of the hard and manages to extend its lifetime, most importantly for the hard drive is that the temperature is constant.
If during the morning the computer works at a low temperature by effect of the air conditioner and the afternoon goes off the air and increases the temperature by 15 or 20 C, the hard disk will be working in conditions of great temperature contrast. The same thing occurs when during the day there is lighted heating systems that generate a high temperature, at the end of the day these heaters are turned off and night temperatures drop many degrees due to the time of year: in these cases the hard drives support contrasts of temperature extreme and harmful. A hard disk that suffers from thermal decompensation will begin to give reading errors sporadically; These access errors generating locks of the operating system and finally the total impossibility of accessing the hard disk. It is very important to prevent or detect these problems, because the own operating system before such errors and to try to correct them, you can generate the total loss of the structure of the file system. These contrasts of temperature cause mechanical damage to one or several of the internal components of the device, being necessary to perform the opening of secure hard disk in order to observe the fault and correct it if possible. The opening of the hard disk is a delicate operation that should only be performed in a clean and controlled environment free of dust particles that can settle on the surface of the plate and cause further damage to the same. These processes can only be carried out by a professional company of data recovery as RecuperData that has specific machinery and the necessary qualified staff for this purpose.