De Decca understands that, the process of memorization of the 1930 episode is, in itself, the result of the conflict of classrooms in Brazil, a winning speech that would have extinguished the memory of the people by means of the periodizao of history. The Revolution of 30 would be a domination landmark politics, the moment where it finishes the old one and if it initiates a new qualitatively better, however, leaving of side the fight of the work force and the people in general. It is clearly for the author who Revolution of 1930 is not simply a rearrangement politician much less that the people was an inert mass, stops Of Decca, to break the periodizao that the laborer in Brazil silences is to rescue the fight of the BOC (Laboring Block and Peasant) that if he initiates in 1928, where the party fighting for the democratic-bourgeois revolution left clear the perspective of the laboring classroom in the politics. It is an error to consider inert the laboring classroom in 1930, or same one to assume that ‘ ‘ revoluo’ ‘ as a fact, when in the truth, the analyzed historiografia of form criticizes, in the sample that it was a process of memorization of the winning perspective, of which the proper BOC when assuming an anti-oligarchical position it finishes for making solid the 1930 memory and embedding the laboring yearnings. The periodizao of 1930 as a dividing landmark of the been slow one and the modern in them seems a polarization that so only served to silence the people of what to demarcate a true place in the history of politicosocial evolution in Brazil (OF DECCA, 2004:110). Being thus, Edgar De Decca, and the historiografia precedes that it, still is vast field for one better understanding of our society. BIBLIOGRAPHY DE DECCA, Edgar.