Developing the Aspects of Work

Posted by on August 11, 2012 in General |

This work was developed in its bigger part for Clvis Professors Pear tree Peixoto (Center of Agrarian, Ambient and Biological Sciences of the UFRB) and Solange Maria C. Amorim (Laboratory of Ecofisiologia of the Experimental Unit Forest Horto, DCBIO/UEFS). Having the inestimable contribution of Marico Meguro (IB, USP), Bruna Tanure, Eduardo Santana, Frank Emanuela, Fernanda Rodrigues, Frederic Hughes, Araujo Landmarks and Maria Magdalena Birth (pupils of them you discipline Ecofisiologia of the Course of Biological Sciences of the State University of Fair of Santana), Jailson Cross (EMBRAPA? Mandioca and Fruticultura) and Lia DAfonseca (DCBIO/UEFS), SUMMARY:

The influences of the antrpicas activities on the environment of manguezais come modifying its fitofisionomia significantly and affecting the survival of different animal species that depend on the manguezais to multiply. To register the losses of the area fotossinttica, can be used of not destructive methods in ambient monitoramentos as strategy not to aggravate the high-voltage situation in result of the irregular occupations in entorno of the Bay of All the Saints, Bahia/Brazil and the results had shown the adequacy of this methodology of sampling for the monitoramento of the foliar growth in the obligator vegetal species of the manguezais. Introduction the manguezais due its fisiogeografia play important role in the reduction of the effect of the atmospheric influence of the land and the ocean that can cause very strong turbulences. In areas where severe cyclones and storms occur, for example, the manguezais protect the domestic residences, animals and the aquatic production so as well as of the overflows during the periods of high tides. In Brazil, the law oldest of protection of manguezais the date of 1704, of the time of the crown of Portugal, that did not allow the aluvial land donation (manguezais) because they belonged to the crown.


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