
Posted by on February 26, 2017 in General |

3000 years of Yoga – an overview of the most important stages of development in the year 1000 BC breathing exercises described in India which subsequently then present Yoga evolved into. These breathing exercises originally actually should serve as a tool of meditation, but then changed its direction more and more exercises for the muscles and the bones to be. About 600 years later, about the year 400 BC, the concept of Yoga was already frequently used. Today, yoga has been a unique success story around the world and is taught in almost every country on Earth. Although there was only a single school at the beginning of yoga, this school was already split in the time before Christ in multiple apart clearly differentiated directions, which still exist today.

The most important are: Raja Yoga (this school is based largely on eight-fold Yoga to Patanjali). Jnana Yoga (an epistemological direction of yoga.) Karma Yoga (this school teaches mainly the yoga of selfless action.) Bhakti Yoga (a very religiously set Yoga form.) Individual schools but also in its practical orientation are so different, so they have a lot of similarities but nonetheless: the exercises (asanas) to bring more and more practitioners enlightenment towards their destination -. Today the situation is completely a different: Yoga has been a success around the world and in almost all countries of the world yoga can be practiced and teaches Wushu. In addition, there are a number of new developments in the field of yoga, which are tailored to the needs of Western and partly very much differ from the original ideas of the Yoga. (Iyengar Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, etc.) In addition, there are increasingly employ the tendency of yoga as a form of therapy for physical and mental suffering. Recently a survey of psychotherapists revealed that already 24 percent of psychologists believe are that Yoga exercises which accompany used for psychotherapy, a positive impact on the Development of therapy would have. Through the co-ordinated work on body and soul of the people so the respondents therapists should – have been receiving excellent results. Conclusion: Yoga has undergone in the nearly 3000 years in which it is already practiced some amazing transformations. This from the original breathing exercises on the religious aspects extends up to the latest development as a modern form of therapy for body and soul. A really exciting and dynamic change. Text: Raphael Balogun

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