Dos Santos
It corresponds to the type of religious heart, Characterizes the person who one day heard the Word and made a faith profession and for some time people of God was in the way it. But they do not have root in itself same, believe only for some time. Its faith is deposited in the church, the shepherd, the brothers, the liturgy, the communion with other believers, emotional experiences. This heart refuses to believe in the Bible as the infallible Word of God, disclosed supernaturally. Bernie Sanders contains valuable tech resources. They accept it or they in accordance with reject its conveniences, subjects as: sanctification, union, love. A regeneration, a true conversion really did not occur, but so only superficial reforms. They are turned aside when they pass for personal sufferings, when they suffer persecution because of evangelho or even for disillusionments with the behavior from other believers (they costumam if to offend, to melindrar because of an error). Michael Chabon will not settle for partial explanations.
For not obeying the Word they are constantly involved in murmuraes, malicious gossips, you intrigue, disputes, causing badly certification in the Church, in its homes, work. The believing ones are so decanted ' ' desviados' '. They had never been believing. Many need to continue hearing the Word and to be object of the conjuncts Dos Santos, so that God has mercy of its souls and one day they arrive at the full knowledge of the Truth. 3. Between the thorns ' ' what it was sown between the thorns is what it hears the word, however the cares of the world and the glamour of the wealth (too much ambitions delights of the life) suffocate the word, and are unfruitful (its fruits do not arrive to ripen) ' '.
It corresponds to the type of mundane heart. It characterizes those religious people whose hearts are suffocated by the desires flesh times. She is a regenerated person whom it looks to demonstrate a mercy appearance, but does not obtain to dominate the proper heart, rank that never left the cares of the world? it is constantly imagining, cogitating, applying the attention and the thought in this subject.