Way to make: It peels and cut the eggplant ecozinhe it in water and salt. It drains the water and it puts to the part. It fries the onion and oalho in the oil, joins the chili, the parsley, the gravy of soy and salt, and cooks umpouquinho. It adds flour, moving well, and joins one xcara of the liquid and aberinjela. It lines a great assadeira with the slices of bread and pours on elasa mixture. It covers with the slices of tomatoe.
It bakes and it serves hot. AUBERGIN TO the OVEN Ingredients: 4 eggplants cut in cubes, cut red 2pimentes in cubes, 2 green chilis, 2 great onions, tooth of jammed garlic, 2 spoons (of soup) of black and green olives, bites, 1 xcara (tea) of oil, 1 xcara (tea) of oil, xcara (tea) devinagre tinto, 1 leaf of parrot, salt and organo the taste, perforated smell-green August. Way to make: Refogue the garlic and the onion in one poucode oil. It places the eggplants and chilis in one pirex great. It adds oalho braised with the onion, the olives, salt, pepper, organo and respingue as vinegar and respingue with the vinegar. It joins the parrot leaf and it waters everything with oleo and the oil. It mixes everything very well. It bakes in hot oven 200oC, mexendoalgumas times.
The eggplant will be ready when all the water that if to form tiverevaporado (about stocking hour). VEGETARIAN BARBECUE Ingredients: 1 vegetal beefburger can or 300grs. deglten perforated, 2 carrots, 2 potatoes, 1 chili, 1 onion, I smell green, salt, garlic, lemon. Way To prepare: To prick the carrot in rodelas and abatata in cubes of proportional size to the one of glten. Salt cooks them ligeiramentecom. To prick the onion and the chili in proportional size to glten. To temper glten with I smell green, garlic, lemon; to arrange in palitos dechurrasco, 1 piece of glten, 1 of carrot, 1 of glten, 1 of potato, 1 deglten, 1 of chili, glten, onion.