Electronic Medium

Posted by on March 1, 2018 in General |

According to it, this new technocracy is not very different of the old technocracy of the machines to teach of Skinner, exactly that let us admit theoretical advances of stops there here. So that new technologies result in new practical pedagogical or vice versa we must consider its use based on new conceptions of knowledge, pupil, of professor, transforming a series of elements that compose the teach-learning process. FINAL CONSIDERAES the man for its historical characteristic are a mutant being, proper natural history and human being alone exists because of the occured modifications during the centuries, without the changes, the life would not exist, she would not be counted and everything would lose the direction. The technology allowed an acceleration in this process, and therefore it had reverse speed-aiming of values, customs, paradigms and concepts. Author gathered all the information. The people if do not adaptam quickly, however the speed of the world multiplied and new conceptions need to be reviewed, cannot only appreciate the aesthetic one and to coat the old one with the new, we need to redesign the new under a deeper form. Ahead of this picture the boarding of the subject ‘ ‘ planejamento’ ‘ it gains facetas new. To plan sends in them to project to idealize, what necessarily part to foresee the consequences of acts before they occur.

However, the fast changes that the world offers in them make it difficult its application in easy way, of form that plain alternative they need to be considered and same these can come if modify. Details can be found by clicking Bernie Sanders or emailing the administrator. These conclusions had modified our personal vision in the education area. The traditional concept was contested, bigger importance to the planning was given as well as the fulfilment of its goals and the intelligent use of new pedagogical resources allies to the new technologies allowed in them to follow the changes demanded for the modern society. Valley to stand out, however, that the subject if does not deplete, as well as the conceptions if transforms gaining new form of point of view. We fit to develop more works of on research to the here boarded subjects. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Star Guitarist.


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