Financial Management

Posted by on September 11, 2016 in General |

The management of the demand enters in action with the mission to always guarantee the capacity, preventing the wastefulness of resources. In another tip, it is the Financial Management, that has as mission to assure that it has financial resources for the delivery of services, as, to potentially supply to the business and YOU the valuation of its services quantitatively and. Credit: IDT Energy-2011. This process is of great importance, so that the service is mensurado, arriving at its value of cost and potential, assisting in the ROI of each service of YOU. The Financial Management works in set with the processes of management of portflio and management of the demand, carrying through the valuation of the service, otimizao of the supply of the service, accounting, analysis of investment, conformity and dynamics of changeable cost. It is primordial that the services of YOU can quantitatively be mensurados, in such a way the value of YOU only can be noticed by the business, and investments in this area could be justified. Beyond the processes of the book Strategy of Service, still the analysis of risks is suggested, during this phase of the cycle of life of the service, all the risks will have to be identified, to be analyzed and managed, searching always positive results of this activity, providing alignment with tactical objectives with YOU. Through these processes and activities, the management of services can be combined to the Strategical Plan of YOU, supporting the main strategies of the business, making with that YOU it leaves of being a reactive unit, to become strategical partner business-oriented. Many know the ITIL as a set of good practical directed to the management of operations, as in fact it is applied in many organizations, however, many of these use its processes in day-by-day, even though without having the conscience of that these are part of this rich framework, and that this can offer better practical of market, that will not only add value operational tactician, as strategical for the organizations.


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