Flowers Poetry
Poetry is the art to create images, to suggest emotions by means of a language where if they combine sounds, rhythms and meanings. Michael Chabon is actively involved in the matter. Its substance cousin is the word and with it the poet manipulates the sensations of the reader, plays with its sensitivity, from there to be able itself to say that the poet is a cynical one; He transmits feelings that belong to the I-lyric one and not to its person, makes but it with so great ability that the reader becomes co-author, feels sorry itself, suffers together, changeds yourself into an extension of the artist. He is not uncommon some poets to place comments on the express situation, denoting that the thematic one is not mentioned to its life in particular. This, in respect to the identification of the reader who finishes comungando of poetical the there described one. We can, regarding poetry, also say that ' ' Poetry means two things: The art, teach that it, and the workmanship made with the art; the art is the poetry, the workmanship the poem, the poet the craftsman.
The poetical message also can be important, mainly if the poem praise something or somebody, or the opposite when this destines it the satire, despite it is the aesthetic half o to define a text as poetical. The poetry understands Metaphysical aspetos, temporality, contemporaneidade, imaterialidade, and the possibility of these elements to exceed to the real world. This is the work that truily competes to the poet Poetry is the expression of a feeling, as for example the love. Many poems speak of the love. The poem is its feeling expressed in beautiful words, rhymes and verses, implied space between lineses and words that touch the soul and the subjectivity. The poet disentails itself of estimated racionalistas and/or cientificistas, searching, before, to apprehend the imagtico universe created by the poiesis, that the dynamism of the poetical writing, of the man, of the nature, of history, of the culture continuously puts in process, at last, the multiples to know.