Forest Management

Posted by on April 4, 2014 in General |

Now, a long-term lease can be taken under the new Forest Code. Of course, the tenant is not the owner who cares not only about themselves but also their heirs. However, it is still a responsible entity, rather than “users of forests, which were earlier. Not to mention a purely Russian phenomenon – the so-called “black” lumberjacks. ctl way Today, there are two ways of harvesting – whiplash and assortment. Whiplash is distributed mainly in the U.S., Canada and Russia.

At the same time embodiment of the trees felled, and then skidder delivers them dragged to the edge. Basically, it uses a tracked vehicle, which is produced in the Americas (in Russia is mainly used Domestic appliances are usually outdated morally and physically). ctl way as European and more progressive. Technology for this option of logging is performed in eastern Finland in Joensuu (incidentally, it is 40 km from the Russian border). All the cars wheels (for better flotation wheels are equipped with chains), and therefore the soil when harvesting is almost unaffected. Even a fallen tree trunks are not being dragged along the ground, and neatly stacked in the back manipulator forwarder. Immediately after logging and harvesting of the branches (they go to biofuel production) can be planted saplings. Of course, in itself, ctl method is not panacea for predatory relationships to forests. It is known that a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon – is one thing, but in the hands of a maniac – is quite another.


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