Francisco Franco

Posted by on June 23, 2013 in General |

The conversation was getting into philosophical honduras that overflowed unto me, so I tried to make a third change: what are those patches that there, in the bas-relief? I said, pointing to the nearest square column, and without question to no one in particular. I see that it has been set at once said Tovar, with a stop of sad inevitability. It is the medallion with profile of Francisco Franco. Every year a small group of anti-fascist youth pintarrajea it torrent completed the explanation of his companion. Of all the medallions that around the perimeter of the square, he was the only one damaged.

Others contained characters which, from where I was, not It was right to distinguish, but that meant it was heroes of local or national history. Tovar seemed to be reading my thoughts: Yes, the only image that attack the barbarians of today is that of the Caudillo said, using the nickname of war of the former dictator, don’t know if for a lapse of his subconscious, as if he does not como si el no formase be a part of the history of Spain. And I say that I do not have positive Franco’s memories, since I suffered its reprisals. But history is history and cannot be changed. Franco was in power for almost forty years and that has been the responsibility of all, their supporters and their antagonists.

We radically disagree with him, but what we can’t do is deny his historical existence, as they claim some ignaros. It is that history is a paradox and as such we must accept it added Don Fili. Look, if not, what happens in another square located a few meters from this, of freedom. The label from its previous name still somewhere: Onesimo Redondo, the agrarian fascist. I do not know to whom it refers humbly recognized. As a countryman of these lands, an admirer of Hitler, who founded an insurrectional movement called Castellanas seals of Hispanic action and that ended up coming together with the Phalanx created by Antonio Jose.

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