Good Manufacturing Practice
This standard means caring about customers, minimizing the risk of essential food, excellent transparency, good governance, internal processes, the adoption of a global program of industrial control aimed at the implementation of food safety policy. HACCP – ‘Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point’ (Hazard Analisis and Critical Control Points) – an international system of requirements that ensures maximum safety products. For the food industry HACCP – a technique that allows you to concentrate resources and efforts in critical grown produce. It svidetellstvuet that the manufacturer provides all necessary conditions for sustainable production of safe products. GMP – International standard (Good Manufacturing Practice) conditions determine the compliance of manufacturing companies with modern standards and requirements.
GMP standard for manufacturers of BAC and farmatsefticheskih company defines the parameters of each production step – from creating a ‘special clean areas’ (areas with a special mode and the input air filtering gateways), the regulation of the materials from which made the floor shops, clothes officers, to labels on product packaging. If BAA meets all the standards – it’s safe to say – good dietary supplement. It is also important in the certificates of conformity and certificates registration. Although they do not provide unambiguous information about the quality, but give the assurance that dietary supplements are legal in Ukraine. ! any of the products certified in Ukraine must have a Ukrainian-label label or instructions for Ukrainian language. 2.
Information about the manufacturer. It is easy to open the internet and see what is it like to producer. If this is a serious company with a specific address, its own production, his scientific base, etc. – It can be concluded that the products will be of high quality. And if there is no information about the manufacturer itself (just the manufacturer, rather than distributors), and clearly identify where the product is made difficult – this is an occasion to reflect. 3. Appearance and packaging. On the packaging must be: the product name, short description, composition, and recommendations for use, contraindications, and storage conditions. MUST also be Company information (Name, address, phone number) and number of registratsii.BAD must be packaged so that it was impossible to reach the contents without destroying the packaging. ! right and wrong: Address: That’s right: Name, Country, Zip, Address, Phone Incorrect: ‘Made in (Country)’ Composition of: Correct: A substance – X mg compound B – X mg etc. Incorrect: ‘keep an extract of the unique substance X’ 4. Reviews. Guest is important. Can sit on the internet and read what they write about others. If the products are used in major medical institutions, and conducted clinical testing and procedures are developed using the product – it only a plus. By following these simple rules, we do not only protect yourselves from the acquisition of low-quality products, but also show themselves smart, educated people who can not ‘vparim lime’.