Graduate Garavarda

Posted by on November 3, 2017 in General |

And to cut through them to understand what we really need to be very difficult, sometimes impossible. To overcome the internal resistance There are many different techniques and strategies. One of the most effective ways is coaching. Coaching (English coaching) was born in the U.S. in the second half of last century. In 1974, Timothy Gellvey (Thimothy Gallwey) – Graduate Garavarda, expert Tennis – published his book "The Inner Game of Tennis." In this book he first formulated the concept of "inner game". In accordance with this concept, tennis player is constantly engaged in a kind of dialogue that substantially limits his ability and it allows to reveal his abilities to the fullest.

"The enemy in the player's head is much scarier than the enemy on the other strontium grid" wrote Timothy Gellvey. Based on this concept, he has developed a unique method of learning to play tennis, which allows you to teach players not on an existing template, and in accordance with its natural data and inclinations. The result exceeded all expectations. Later the same technique has been used in business, as well as to help people in their development. So there was coaching. Modern coaching is a series of interviews (coaching sessions) during which the coach asks questions of his client, and client These questions are answered. Coach does not explain anything, do not instruct or advise.

He only asks questions. Of course, asking questions, it adheres to a particular model coaching session. In coaching there are several: grow, T, abc, and so on.


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