Holy Spirit

Posted by on July 20, 2018 in General |

Therefore, the new law is mainly the same grace of the Holy Spirit given to the faithful of Christ. "As the new law was given to Moses on tablets of stone written, the law of faith is written in the hearts of the faithful. "The core of the new law is in the grace of the Holy Spirit. This is manifested in the faith which works by love. But men get this grace through the Son of God made man, whose humanity filled the God of grace, and she led us. "As we said, this is the first commandment. For more information see Author. This does not mean that the New Law dispense entirely external standards.

Thus meditating Thomas continues, "has, however, certain provisions the new law as devices to receive the grace of the Holy Spirit and ordered the use of the same grace, which are in supporting roles in the new law, which has been necessary they were taught the faithful of Christ, both orally and in writing, on what is to be believed as what has to act. And so say that the law should infused new law is primarily, secondarily written law. "And later goes on to say that" two things the new law covers: one, the main one is the grace of the Holy Spirit communicated internally, and as such justifies the new law. As children of the Gospel law are documents of faith and the precepts ordering affects and human acts, and in this respect, the new law does not justify. "With regard to the precepts and its relation with the United of Heaven, Thomas returns to distinguish between what is primary and secondary, but the importance of the secondary to the main highlight. Let's see: "the kingdom of God consists primarily in the interior acts, but also, and consequently all that without which there can be no such acts. For example, if the kingdom of God is justice, interior, and peace and spiritual joy, it is necessary that all external acts which are repugnant to justice, peace or spiritual joy repugnant also the kingdom of God and therefore have to be banned in the Gospel of the kingdom. "Many things said this holy theologian, but these suffice us to deepen those that we proposed on the principal of the commandments of God: the Lord who comes to us and our lives. In other words, Grace.


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