Home Remedies

Posted by on March 1, 2013 in General |

Today we leave you some home remedies for those who have problems sweating. We all know, sweating, is not something pleasant, and less if you suffer from the condition called Hyperhidrosis, faced with this problem, there is no possible deodorant that can fight it, but there are home remedies that can greatly alleviate the excess sweat. The way most commonly used to reduce the State of moisture that generates excessive sweat, is to use common talc, but with some extra added a tablespoon of corn starch and other sodium bicarbonate, this mixture you use daily, mostly in the underarm area and where more you may suffer problems of sweat, as you know, the talc absorbs sweat without problemsneutralizing potential odors that generates the same in turn. So, another way to combat excessive sweating, is to use lemon juice after each shower, or every morning, notice as the underarm area is drier, effects that have lemon, in the same way Apple Cider vinegar is also ideal, but it is recommended that you drink a tablespoon in a glass of water, while in fasting, to increase its effect with the passage of days, surely that with these home remedies you will feel more secure and carefree unsightly sweat stains that often appear when you least expect it. Finally, remark that if the problem of sweating, not decreases in part with these homemade tips, ideally, you should visit a specialist of the skin, which may help you with a treatment specific to the type of sweating.

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