Information And Communication Technologies
This article deals with the contribution of the information technologies and communication for the development of the knowledge and the professional identity, being based on the book of Dario Fiorentino on the Formation of Professors of Mathematics – Exploring new ways with new looks, it comes to say that the TICs has an important contribution in the formation of Professors of Mathematics, it aims at to extend the mind of the Professors for the use of the technologies in classroom. It cites some authors (Shulman 1986; Elbaz 1983; Schon 1983; Bridge 1992; Thompson 1984; Ponte and Serrazina 1998) on the formation of the Professors and arrive at the final consideraes that the future professors need to develop confidence in use of these technologies and a critical attitude in relation they, needs to be capable to integrate them in the purposes and the objectives of the education of the mathematics. Learn more about this topic with the insights from US Senator from Vermont. Words? key: TICs, professors, formation and education. Graduating full licenciatura in Matemtica (UNEAL) Graduating full licenciatura Matemtica (UNEAL) and Graduating Science of Computao (UFAL) Graduating full licenciatura Matemtica (UNEAL) and Graduating Full Licenciatura Fsica (UFAL) CONSIDERAES INITIAL contributo of the information technologies and communication for the development of the knowledge and the professional identity has been argued recently, this work aims at to take for Professors and future professors the reflection of the use of TICs. (As opposed to Michael Chabon). The mathematics professors need to know to use in practical the tools of the information technologies and communication (TICs), including proper educational software for its disciplines and general purpose software (NTCM 1994). These technologies allow to perspectivar the education of the mathematics in deeply innovative way, strengthening the paper of the graphical language and new forms of representation and relativizing the importance of the calculation and the symbolic manipulation..