It has some time behind entered in a our daily very instigante question, that is: The Internationalization of the Amaznia. But because it will be that this surgio question now? Which is the pretension of the other countries when stirring up this decision? That benefits will bring if this to happen? These questions are in the head of many Brazilians, therefore, let us agree, is complicated to understand the reason of a Brazilian natural patimnio to be ' ' dividido' ' with all those that will have the interest to participate of ' ' partilha' '. Brazil possesss a sufficiently diversified flora. Unhappyly, throughout the years, with the man intervening each time more with the nature, we see many areas florestadas giving to place the great cities, as it is the case of our Atlantic Bush, that in the years of the discovery re-covered our immense coast, and today alone it exists resqucios that are protected with very well-taken care of. But, although this event, still we have a great forest in our territories, that is the famous Amazonian Forest. However, with the floor of the covered cart, what it is in our ownership today, tomorrow it could not more be.
As we know well, the Amaznia is the biggest equatorial forest of the world and, moreover, its flora is riqussima and it possesss a great complex of rivers. With all these attributes, it would not be strange to awake looks and admiration enters the people of other countries, that finish if interesting in discovering this great ecosystem. The surgio problem when the admiration started to be covets, and some arguments had been displayed to base the new controversy: the internationalization of OUR Amazonian Forest. Many countries allege that Brazil does not have capacity to take care of of the same one, point the forest fires and other factors that show to ours ' ' incapacidade' ' to protect it. But, what to say of the United States? The emitting greater of the .causing gases of the effect greenhouse that, detail, did not sign the Protocol of Kyoto. As Obama, that is one of the defenders of the internationalization of the Amaznia, it wants to take care of of the patrimony of the others, if not even it is taking care of of the one of it? Let us agree that this history of wanting helping in them, is camouflaging the true interests of them. Brazil, since its discovery, was white of the explorers.
Portuguese, Spaniard, Dutches, English and Frenchmen had taken our wood-Brazil, gold, diamonds, and now they want our biological reserves and our water. Not! We cannot return the 500 years behind and leave to be explored again. Instead of internationalizing the Amaznia it would not be better to internationalize the poverty, the debts, the jail system, the hunger, the problems in the education. Since the first world would take care of better of our forest, certainly, they would also take care of of the remaining portion.