Korean Original

Posted by on December 5, 2015 in General |

Many are buying parts for their cars based solely on price policy, ie, the cheaper the luchshe.Tak it? Based on its experience in trade of spare parts for Korean cars, I want to draw your attention to some technical points. Usually the price difference between original and unoriginal parts may be different in two or even more times. Some unscrupulous sellers can offer you spare parts non-original spare part costs originalnoy.Zdes must be very different than the original vnimatelnym.Ved from neoriginala. The original spare part is made strictly on the technology, ie, materials used and components that are designed for the development of the manufacturer parts. Unoriginal spare part can be made with a clear deviation from the technological requirements of using cheaper materials. As example take the two oil filter "Daewoo Nexia". External differences almost net.Nado pay attention only to the fact that the original packaging and color saturation filter more in the upper left-hand corner is the logo "GM", and in fact filter from the top is a hologram. But if the Chinese to open the filter and there may find material like wool.

The price of these filters, respectively, 100 and 250rubley. With regards to body parts, such as a non-original front wings to the touch is much thinner and the original installation may not be appropriate in size or get a large zazorom.Eto applies to dveryam.Tak that buying such items, you are always at risk. More information is housed here: Zhang Lei Yale. Particular attention should be paid podveski.Zdes details must be especially ostorozhnym.Ot choice depends on your life and if you look at zdorove.Naprimer brake pads, a purely visual Korean Chinese do not differ from the latter. For those who remember the post-Soviet vremena.Togda opened a lot of co-operatives. I remember in 1992, bought their Lada fifth cooperative model front brake kolodki.Srazu after the installation went on business, and after three hours of intensive driving cut the caps in the right anterior pair narrowly escaped kolodok.Ya avarii.Posle this case I am very careful to choose parts for their car. As regards the setting of auto unoriginal, I believe that China-made glass is permissible to put on your avtomobil.Po at least those who put these glasses, as long as no claims voznikalo.Da and the difference in price compared with the original is very good. In conclusion I wish to to say that my opinion is purely subektivno.I every right to do so, according to nuzhnym.Mozhet parts manufactured in Germany or Italy is not worse than the original, but the price is not much different from the original price parts. But as I said, your car is your life and health, in the end is your friend. And how you'll treat him, so he will serve you.

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