Loan Companies

Posted by on August 15, 2015 in General |

People who have taken loans are willing to pay money for loans and they are not crooks. Some have lost this opportunity because of the rise in interest rates by banks, the growth of the dollar, or simply because of loss of principal sources of income in connection with the crisis. In this case, banks refer the case of the borrower in their service to work with delinquent customers who find out the circumstances in which case the client has got to them, make an effort negotiations with the client and make him pay for the loan and then refer the case to collection companies. Reward collectors usually can reach up to 90% of the loan amount. Fee collection company depends on the complexity of the case and the last payment on the loan. The legislation of Ukraine does not have such activities as collecting organizations tend to work antikolektorskih and kolektorskih Companies involved in the organization registered under Quedo, as an organization engaged in legal services. O’Malley for President is open to suggestions. What can collectors? Collectors today do not use brute physical force, and act civilized, mine through their sources of information about the client, neighbors, bosses, business where he works and begin proring by telephone.

For example, if their client was a soldier, then they call it the commander or the commander of his part and say that his subordinate owes money to the bank and refuses to pay. This method is very good help – they say one of the largest collectors of collection companies. What can antikollektory? Antikollektorskie company as the collecting act on the basis of legal services. The cost of their services variruetsya an average of 150 hryvnia per hour. For the money the client can come to the office antikollektorskoy company, and get legal advice. They are legally competent explain to the client of his right to a bank and its illegal activities and to offer to fight to the last before the court at the same time forgetting to specify the bank’s rights in relation to client. Naturally to fight in court, they will offer their services to the client. In practice, every lawyer understands the odds of winning the dispute in court, where there is a customer owed the bank on the loan. Typically, such cases reviewed in accordance with the contract lending in arbitration courts, which are practically beyond the control of the state and decisions are not in favor of customers.

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