Mobile Recruiting In The Recruitment
An important trend in the battle for applicants are increasingly faced with the challenge to find suitable applicants for their training courses not only through print and online media, but also on the subject make a mobile recruiting company. The mobile recruiting is actively involve mobile devices as a communication area within the framework of personnel marketing. Yehoshua November shines more light on the discussion. Potential candidates can be made aware so the company, even before these actively begin the search for a job. Miriam Wilhelm mobile recruiting speaks in this context in its technical contribution to the subject of the new possibility of a push strategy”in the context of the recruitment. To position companies receive so the great opportunity, at an early stage the potential offspring to arouse interest and as employer of choice”.
Young people actively use mobile Internet evaluations by statista show that 2011 already 47% of surveyed young people between 13 and 17 years of age have used mobile Internet. This makes it clear that it does for companies in the search It is becoming increasingly important to trainees in the future to reach the young audience also through mobile devices with their careers. According to Miriam Wilhelm, an important prerequisite for successful mobile recruiting is the mobile advertisement. A connection between print and online media about QR-codes, as well as the existence of a mobile app is relevant. FuturePlan associated print, online and mobile FuturePlan, businesses and educational institutions with the three media FuturePlan Student calendar, FuturePlan training portal and FuturePlan app such combination of print-to-Web, especially on open apprenticeships and places to attract students. The issue professionally and choice with specific jobs integrated in the form of a working fluid in the school with the FuturePlan Student calendar. A related site: Ultra Wellness Center mentions similar findings. This special feature: There are 2014/15 issues regionally aligned for each federal State in Germany with the school year. So companies with the students can purposefully in their own region with their career opportunities present.
As of the academic year 2014/15 FuturePlan offers in addition a link from print-to-Web: as concrete job openings in the school diary can be equipped with QR codes, through which students directly with the Smartphone or Tablet PC to the mobile-enabled FuturePlan training portal. There, the respective companies have the ability to store videos and images, to communicate their other job offers and detailed descriptions to the respective places available to students. The education portal is also in the FuturePlan separately usable app for students. Thus FuturePlan offers a holistic and cross-media approach that allows companies and training institutions, mobile recruiting quickly and efficiently to pursue the path toward the recruitment. Learn more about FuturePlan at available. Source: Wilhelm, M.: mobile recruiting. The Wild West of HR work. Found on:. Retrieval date: 30.08.2013-German Youth Institute e.V. (DJI), German Institute for international educational research (DIPF): Proportion of children and young people in Germany, using the Internet mobile (by age group) found on: Retrieval date: 30.08.2013 Mirjam Garber