Natural Gas Madrid

Posted by on July 2, 2013 in General |

Under that agreement new Natural Gas customers or customers whose contracts have expired with the aforementioned entity, belonging to the business sectors listed above, may obtain a 19% discount on the rate of Gas Natural Fenosa electric reference for SMEs. Also, Natural Gas offers the possibility to perform energy audits custom, without cost to the client, which will consist of a study from the invoices provided by the companies, to know the current situation of its facilities and detect energy efficiency measures to implement them with the objective of reducing consumption. As a measure to promote tourism in the city, the Town Hall of Santander wants to include in its offer of accommodation of the guides that are provided to travellers visiting Santander to those Madrid catering establishments wishing to do so.And is that the sector already came asking for it for some time and also by the current economic situation where many tourists seeking accommodation with a price smaller per stay. But besides breakfast we want to update the information on hotels and other accommodations in order to have up-to-date and complete information of each accommodation. He is carried out a questionnaire on facilities, the capacity and the comforts of the rooms, if they have or not daycare, wi-fi or pool among many other options. Even filters can be made by certain characteristics (such as a directory of accommodations with jacuzzi). Data all them that may be updated periodically. Throughout the year he attends personally to 150,000 tourists in Santander tourism offices, they answer to almost 4,000 calls to inform the tourist excellence of the city and hospitality agreements and they are answered between postal mail and ordinary to more than 8,000 requests, with which this measure is very important and will be helpful for travelers.This measure affects more than 600 establishments in Santander which may see increased its advertising, which are to the same please. On 26 January CEIM and the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Madrid signed a partnership agreement with Natural Gas through which will promote a series of measures which encourage the efficient and rational energy consumption, as well as a saving of energy costs on SMEs in sectors of trade, the catering trade Madrid and the industry of the community of Madrid.


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