Painting Metal Roof

Posted by on March 8, 2013 in General |

The main properties that should have paint for metal roofs are weather-and corrosion resistance. Painting of metal roofs made of special industrial paints for metal. Painting roofs Metal roofs by the materials used can be divided into three groups: roof made of black metal; roof of galvanized metal; roof made of nonferrous metals (aluminum, copper, titanium, zinc). The first and the second group are more affordable and widespread, although much more expensive than slate. Roofs made of ferrous metal must necessarily paint. Usually for this purpose in the old used oil and alkyd paints. All this naturally leads to frequent repainting the roof. To safely and permanently protect the metal roof, use acrylic paints for roofs with anti-corrosion additives.

Such coverage will cost you a bit more expensive than oil or alkyd paint, primer, but lasts much longer. Apart from the fact that the acrylic coating is more durable in weather conditions, it still has an important advantage – a high elasticity. In the case of metal the roof is very important, because metals have a large linear expansion due to temperature fluctuations. In the oil and alkyd paints elasticity less than that of acrylic, in addition to this they have lost it in the process of aging. In the final eventually this type of paint will simply peel off from the metal surface. Galvanized steel sheet – one of the most common roofing materials used in devices roofs. Roof made of galvanized sheet metal needs staining for two reasons. First, the clear paint a thin layer of zinc as a result of aggressive environmental influences (rain, salt, exhaust fumes, etc.) begins to get fat.

Secondly, painted roof has a decorative appearance and looks more beautiful than unpainted. Painting galvanized roof will extend its life and will give a more pleasing appearance. In addition, it is always important to pay attention to color and line substrate.

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