Palestinian State

Posted by on April 17, 2017 in General |

For Trinidad Jimenez, the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people cannot be apart from the wave of changes in the Arab world. You Abbas requested entry into United Nations: we want a normal life. The UN Security Council discusses this Monday the Palestinian request, but United States announced he will veto it. EE UU presses 31 countries to reject the entry of Palestine. Resolutions of the UN on the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trinidad Jimenez, stated in the United Nations that the international community must send a clear signal of its profound and unequivocal commitment in favour of the creation of a Palestinian State. The legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people to live in freedom cannot be apart from the wave of changes in the Arab world, said the Spanish Minister in his speech at the public debate of the UN General Assembly. The Palestinian entered as full State to the UN demand and that Friday was formalized by the President of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) Mahmoud Abbas, dominated discussions of the global forum, with participation of representatives of 193 countries.

The request of Palestine the UN Security Council will discuss this Monday the Palestinian request, but United States announced he will veto it. The process could take several weeks and subsequently the Palestinians request can pass to the General Assembly of the UN, where the support of a majority of countries would give the status of observer status, as it is the Vatican. This session to possibly be remembered as one in which the General Assembly welcomed Palestine as an observer State, said Jimenez. The 66 session of the UN General Assembly period ends in mid-September of next year. We conceive this new step as a step towards the legitimate right of Palestine to be part of United Nations as a full Member State, said the Spanish Minister.

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