Partial Birth Abortion
The person doing it should be together again the pieces of the baby to make sure that the uterus is empty. The baby is cut a little leg, then another and so is cut into pieces all over. The sufferings of the baby are intolerable. It’s something ruthless. Cesarean Abortion Method: It’s like a C-section until the umbilical cord is cut, but instead of taking the child to the ICU to save her life, he was placed in a garbage can and left to die. Sometimes the babies move, breathe, and some even cry.
This method is used when the pregnancy is well advanced. Salt poisoning Method: This baby dies poisoned and burned by a highly concentrated salt solution introduced into the amniotic fluid of the mother. Method of Partial Birth Abortion: The partial birth abortion begins when the doctor takes the baby with forceps into the womb and takes him by the feet, when the baby’s feet are outside the uterus, the abortionist takes with their hands and pulls it out, as if it were a natural birth, but make sure you leave through the feet. When the baby is outside the body but his head is still inside the womb, the abortion crosses the neck with scissors. The crime ends when the abortionist, through a tube, sucks the baby’s brains during the whole process has been shaking his tiny body to try in vain to defend himself. “Currently underway in all countries of the world, approximately 50 million abortions a year, 50 million crimes.