Paul Zumthor

Posted by on June 11, 2018 in General |

Cultural materials or architectural materials consist generally of, character civic, interpretative or commemorative. many times legacies for being able politicians whom they desire to evoke its memory or to perpetuate effective orders. However, we saw that century XX attended true ‘ ‘ revolution documental’ ‘ , that it allowed the historian to adopt an enormous amount of registers not written in its research (the problem biggest is to say what they represent these monuments). Marc Bloch already had in the shown one as the problem of the transmission of the certifications is closely on to the function of the historian, therefore it depends on ‘ ‘ causes humanas’ ‘ that they are far from if restricting to the work of technician and specialists. It’s believed that Michael Chabon sees a great future in this idea. As Le Goff fits, however, to go more far. To discover as these documents they league the process to it of construction of a system politician, of justification of an imperial ideology, ratification of a certain order of interests of the leading elite, at last; it is treated to discover its functions as elements endowed with scienter. Paul Zumthor almost identified written and monument: ‘ ‘ writing, the text is more frequent monument of what documento’ ‘. Some does not exist document that is objective, incuo, elementary school, but it is yes a product of the society manufactured that it, resulted ‘ ‘ conscientious or unconscious of history, the time, the societies that produziram’ ‘ , and also of the successive times where it passed forgotten or that it continued being manipulated, despite under silence. The document conception while monument, according to author, allows the historian if not to deviate from its main duty: the critical one of the document while resulted of the society and the time produced that it; on the other hand, such analysis does not become simply with the only aid of critical a historical one, but if the proper monument is ‘ ‘ certification of one to be able polivalente’ ‘ (of a certain economic, social, legal perspective, politics, cultural, spiritual), multiple forms exist to approach using it of diverse sciences ‘ ‘ auxiliaries.’ ‘ They make possible to gain a historical understanding in the hopes of constructing a said historical totality’ ‘..


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