Celtic Cross
A variation of the Yes or no tarot Chuck courtesan tarot Chuck has several points in common with the popular circulation of 5 letters to the Yes or no. Like her, also focuses on the answer to a question and specific, without investigating in the past, present and future, or in the various aspects of […]
The Project
A lot of people have goals and who want to comply, but on many occasions we see over time and advances in our project might be few, well why is it? There are many causes, the most important are three: first the fact not sure wish that goal and the second thing is our lack […]
Times New Rome
Much been said about a correct design of web sites, and how errors in the design are by land with all subsequent positioning strategies that can make getting a good natural positioning in search engines. On this occasion we will take the issue upside down, i.e. we will present a checklist about what should not […]