VTB Bank

Posted by on August 17, 2018 in General |

One may be turned down for a loan due to their advanced age. The fact that the West is an advantage we have is insurmountable obstacle. This is understandable: the level of financial security and our foreign retirees – is heaven and earth. ‘However, in addition to stop-factors, there are go-factors – says Daniel , […]


Moscow Companies

Posted by on August 12, 2017 in General |

It has long been on the domestic market for many companies with a modest number of employees, for example, a man of twenty-five. Gains of this kind of companies able to make only a million and a half per month, and keep such kind of situation, the pros in matters of accounting firm is not […]



Posted by on August 16, 2016 in General |

Of course, this is not the only or the most powerful factor of which depends on its service life. Try to understand the common causes of 'premature death' usual things. There are many reasons for rejecting the use of previously acquired things: physical unfitness for consumption, breakage, wear and tear, accidental loss, transfer to other […]


University People

Posted by on August 15, 2016 in General |

Then, by order of the plant management engines KAMAZ, we have developed a project of the University of Technology, for children of employees. Five days Workshop working group of about 50 people actually drafted a completely new educational institutions. Interestingly, in the working group had neither the doctors nor the candidate of pedagogical sciences, only […]

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Open Product

Posted by on August 15, 2016 in General |

"The Cat in the bag." Relevance. There is an exercise used in training sale: participants are given a closed bag with unknown contents, and offered to sell it to another party. And so the chain. Open the package, watch yourself, or show the "Buyer" can not sell what is called a "pig in a poke." […]

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Russian Technology Park

Posted by on August 14, 2016 in General |

It’s no secret that Russia is not the most advanced country in terms of equipping a high-tech medical equipment. Despite the Government’s program to modernize the Russian Technology Park modern diagnostic and therapeutic facilities, Russia has for many years to make up for lagging behind the developed countries, which is variously estimated from 10 years […]


Topic Easy

Posted by on November 27, 2015 in General |

As you know, one of the methods of site promotion are the so-called article marketing, which entails something other than writing articles and posting them on various websites that allow publication onnyh. In other words, the essence is this: a man writes a short article on a particular topic, put it on the site and […]

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