National Institute

Posted by on February 25, 2019 in General |

On the other hand those exist that believe that the citizens with deafness must learn the language of signals and the official language of its country only in the modality written and not in the verbal one. The Brazilian educational context the same adopts passage in relation to the mentioned communicative boardings. The education of […]


Illustrating Childrens Fables

Posted by on August 9, 2018 in General |

Illustrating the fables of ia Krylov, "The Wolf and the Crane" (pencil, watercolor) In carrying out this task are fixed and skills obtained by children in drawing lessons from nature, stuffed animals and birds, the ability to use a figure on the horizon, vanishing point, the structure of constructive forms of color can be represented […]


New Education

Posted by on August 5, 2018 in General |

It is not enough to add subjects, authors, celebrations etc. A releitura of the proper vision of education is necessary. It is indispensable to develop a new to look at, a new optics, a different sensitivity. The monocultural character is very arraigado in the pertaining to school education, seeming to be inherent it. Thus, to […]


Exam Tricks

Posted by on April 16, 2018 in General |

In – the first, first try to memorize the material. Divide the number of tickets, the number of pre-examination days. For example, you have a figure 8. So read on the day, 8 issues. In preparation for the exam, well helps to plan a short question. You read and compose a brief background. On it […]

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Electronic Medium

Posted by on March 1, 2018 in General |

According to it, this new technocracy is not very different of the old technocracy of the machines to teach of Skinner, exactly that let us admit theoretical advances of stops there here. So that new technologies result in new practical pedagogical or vice versa we must consider its use based on new conceptions of knowledge, […]


Learning English

Posted by on November 1, 2017 in General |

To study any foreign language and if this first foreign language – much more, one of the most important – you need to find the right approach for themselves. This means that one must not only find the right learning materials, teacher or school, but need to develop a responsible organization and get rid of […]

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Czech Republic

Posted by on July 21, 2017 in General |

Statistics received by entrants for 2008 year by higher education institutions is available on the site. Especially important competition on the economic, as well as the artistic faculties of Prague. The lowest tender for technical professions, usually no more than three people in place. Thus, education in public universities are free, but do not quite […]

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Emperor Saga

Posted by on July 4, 2017 in General |

It was the Emperor Saga, and courtier Tachibana Hayanari monk Kukai, who later became known as Sampitsu. Gradually, they created and their writing styles, all further deviating from the Chinese. In Japan, there are two types of letters: kaidzi, which was adapted into Chinese and kana – the phonetic letter. Type “kaidzi” tens of thousands […]

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Pacific Ocean

Posted by on February 12, 2017 in General |

The region of Whose it has undergone in the last years an important development and the HYPERLINK ” ” tourism in Mendoza has become one of the main economic activities of the region. For that reason, an increasing number of people looks for in these earth a place where to spend its vacations, in an […]


Learning a Foreign Language

Posted by on September 8, 2016 in General |

In life, there is a particular situation, when learning a foreign language is necessary, or your life has developed in such a way that you are going abroad to live, or you will face a serious increase in the service, we need only to show off new language skills. Immediately behind this decision comes a […]

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