Chambers Techniques

Posted by on September 25, 2018 in General |

' The indispensable participation of the States of the Amaznia in the Chamber Technique of Ambient Education, of the National Advice of Environment ' ' SUMMARY: 1. Introduction; 2. – Historical; 3. – Questioning; 4. – Conclusion. 1. INTRODUCTION the National Politics of Ambient Education, instituted through the Law n 9795, of 27.04.99, establishes as […]


The Consumers

Posted by on September 3, 2018 in General |

But with if it makes this, through apelativas propagandas and that they stimulate the consumers to buy, making to believe that product is really important and of great utility for its life, when, in the truth, can exist better products and until cheaper, or that this is not perhaps so useful thus. An example of […]


Brazil Preservation

Posted by on June 5, 2018 in General |

The preservation of the fauna is of great importance, therefore estamosindiretamente preserving the biodiversity of the flora, since grandeparte of the vegetal species is spread through the zoocoria. The perdada biodiversity of the fauna is attributed to the devastao of the habitatsnaturais and aggravated by practical as the hunting and the traffic of animals. Source: […]



Posted by on February 20, 2017 in General |

Aqueima of this coal for energy attainment produces txicoscomo highly effluent, for example, the mercury and other metals as vanadium, cadmium, Arsenio, lead, etc. materialsuficiente Is esteem that the reservasmundiais of coal possess in about 7 trillions of tons, to all poluir a planet in less of one century, if usadoindiscriminadamente. Solutions exist practise einovadoras […]



Posted by on March 25, 2015 in General |

Finally, the biomass exists, another potential source of energy that could very be used, because it diminishes the emission of pollutant gases in the atmosphere and if it transforms into fuel. Valley to stand out that this source today is used for the alcohol plants for the energy attainment that keeps the plant in functioning. […]


Bees in Nature

Posted by on October 31, 2013 in General |

Our planet inhabited by many species of plants and animals. Not all of them understood, not all people know. And the bees can be seen everywhere blooming plants. Know about them, adults and children. Bees – A large group of insects. Of all the species of bees is the most widespread and meaningful for people […]



Posted by on October 5, 2013 in General |

It has some time behind entered in a our daily very instigante question, that is: The Internationalization of the Amaznia. But because it will be that this surgio question now? Which is the pretension of the other countries when stirring up this decision? That benefits will bring if this to happen? These questions are in […]


Developing the Aspects of Work

Posted by on August 11, 2012 in General |

This work was developed in its bigger part for Clvis Professors Pear tree Peixoto (Center of Agrarian, Ambient and Biological Sciences of the UFRB) and Solange Maria C. Amorim (Laboratory of Ecofisiologia of the Experimental Unit Forest Horto, DCBIO/UEFS). Having the inestimable contribution of Marico Meguro (IB, USP), Bruna Tanure, Eduardo Santana, Frank Emanuela, Fernanda […]


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