Technological Amp

Posted by on November 27, 2018 in General |

The culprit of the results not to have been reached starts to be the instrument used for evaluation. With this, new instruments in the expectation of sobressair in the incessant search of methods, techniques and instruments are looked, making with that the evaluated people serve as a great laboratory and the evaluation of performance without viability. In the truth what one forgets it is that it does not advance to create instruments, without first the clear objectives and the goals are tracings, knowing where if wants to arrive there with certainty it will reach a satisfactory result. A leading source for info: Diamond Comic Distributors. However, according to text always will have subjectivity in the AD ones, but, the question is to minimize the tendenciosidades and errors. Inside of this look, we understand that the AD ones translates the joint effort of its collaborators in the accomplishment of tasks that are trusted to it by the company, points out the degree of participativa management, integration and trustworthiness and that the final objective of the evaluation of the performance, is to contribute for the increase of the motivation of the people in the company. In this context, we can affirm from the good management of people arrives it motivation what it is primordial factor. A related site: novelist mentions similar findings. The great transformations that come occurring in different aspects of the life human being, individual and associate, in the social concepts and of form of life, allies to the technological and educational development, generate & ldquo; instabilidade& rdquo; to the organizations and the people. This & ldquo; instabilidade& rdquo; it is result of the economic and social changes. This situation is that it takes the organizations to rethink and to change its paradigms, since they will be evaluated, in terms of effectiveness, for the level of development and satisfaction of its Human resources, its greater well. With the globalization, she is not enough the organizations to have equipment of first quality, well defined politics and to be located well what she matters are the human resources and the qualification of the same ones, the people need one surrounding insurance and acolhedor, at the same time that they value its collaborators.


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