Telemachus Odysseus

Posted by on March 23, 2013 in General |

Embedded glory, its inhabitants organized a big party where the drink, dance, and thanks to the gods, there was no shortage. Allied men, commanded by Odysseus, patiently waited the dawn. The progressive silence of the city gave them the signal that awaited. Trojans, absolutely intoxicated, watched with horror as the achaeans were descended from the large wooden horse. Unable to defend themselves, the resistance was useless. The haughty and impregnable Troy, 10 years after the beginning of the war, was plundered mercilessly. The prophecy of the gods had been met. The news of the fall of Troy full of joy to all Greece.

The main heroes of this story, each with different circumstances, returned to their homelands after completing the recommendation made by the ghost of Achilles: the sacrifice of Polyxena, the Trojan Princess, youngest daughter of the marriage between King Priam and Hecuba. All the big bosses of the Greek militia (Idomeneo, Neoptolomeo, son of Achilles, among others) returned to their lands. King Menelao brought back home to the beautiful Helena, who in spite of the years After, was irresistible. Aeneas, another of the leaders, finally fell in Italy, where his descendants Romulus and Remus founded Rome. Only Odysseus, the most illustrious surviving hero of all, could not get back, cursed by the gods for his little humility and genius. The adventure of Odysseus to return to their land, (where hoped them his wife Penelope and if son Telemachus) would be the substrate of another great story of Homer: the Odyssey. An untamed adventurer: Heinrich Schliemann until here, the magical story that egea oral tradition has bequeathed us. Homer, if it really existed, he left us a moving and epic story that excites, wraps, subjugates, but which is clearly unrealistic. However, legends and how fantastic fact has come down to us from the past, have always a truthful side.

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