The 10 Most Used Terms for Blogs
You may be eager to learn about blogs, but people talk about certain terms that do not understand. In the following paragraphs we will explain about the most popular terms. If you're trying to start a blog and articles looking for help, this should serve. 1.Bloggers and blogs. The word blog is actually short for "web log", an online journal. Blogs are used to share information on almost any subject.
Bloggers is a term used for people who write on blogs, blogging is the way to express their thoughts by publishing articles, photos or videos. 2 Hosting Hosting is an English word meaning host or host. Applied to the Internet, that is, to a web page on an Internet server so that it can be seen anywhere in the world with Internet access. 3 Plugins or Widgets are small programs designed to interact with the blog format. They add a very specific function.
The function can be a characteristic, is for the reader or the blogger. 4 blog format can choose Blogger, Blogspot or any other format. The other format is called WordPress, are extremely versatile and easy to use. 5 links or links When another website or blog, add your address or a link to your site is called link or links. These links send to the readers of that site to yours. If you add a link to your blog, your readers can go to that site. The links give more credibility blog. 6 Theme or Template This is the aspect that has a blog at the sight of others. Depending on the format of each blog, you can change easily. This is one reason why people love Blogger. 7 Niche This is the particular issue that deals with a blog. If your blog is too broad, people may lose interest because you do not know what to cover. Choose a niche that people like and that most of the entries or post are related to that topic. You can choose to write about gardening, pets, books or anything else. 8 RSS Feed An RSS feed is a code that you can create a blog. Readers can subscribe to it so that it automatically reports when you add a post (one entry). This also gives the possibility to send a brief summary. 9 Comments Readers can comment on blogs. This allows readers to interact with publishers, this is very popular. You can also reply to comments to add more interaction. 10 Trackback You can see these comments on a blog. Dr. Mark Hyman has much to offer in this field. Trackback links are a notification that someone referred to your blog in a post. This will include a link from your site to yours. It works both ways so if you refer to a blog, another blogger will get a trackback link. These words should help you understand the world of blogging a little better.