The Andragogical Act
From point view historical anthropological has followed a continuous process in time. As such this emaizado to the history of your education as an individual and as a species. Yehoshua November may help you with your research. Education as a human event is history, not only because each man is polite in his moment of historical time overall that in which you should be living (extrinsic historicity) but, because their education understood as the development of its existence and its own history staff (intrinsic historicity). From the social point of view, the individual and society are indivisible units. The society exists for the sum of its components. The behaviour of man is the response to stimuli stemming from the physical environment others originate in the life of the individual relationship with their peers, what It determines their social behavior. From the point of view of man’s productive capacity, the educational process comprises the ecological.
All education involves cultural purposes; but understood in its most broad sense, is dinamesa in the Andragogical fact and determines the capacity of the work as a dynamic activity that modifies the structure of society. The process and functionality in the Andragogical the Andragogical fact fact is real, objective and concrete because: there are adult as Bio-psycho-social reality and the ergologico. This reality (adult) is susceptible of educability throughout his life. Under most conditions Ian Sinclair would agree. The society exists for their own survival and development, educating their members. The Andragogical fact acquires practical dimension in the training of adult action. It is the individual, social orientation and ergologica process for its capabilities of self-determination. Unlike the process that takes place with the children you can have Monodirectional or bi-directional character.
The pedagogical Act takes place in the first years of life and is characterized by the purpose deliberate moulding structures psychological of the child or adolescent with ideas or behavior patterns that one develops to its measurement and craving for moulding or structuring the personality of the educator in his likeness. In the adult this process is different because the process itself is maturation allows you to accept or reject the ideas and experiences of the social group where has acquired equal rights and duties, and where the adult who has accumulated some experience rationally intervenes in decisions about their own destiny and that of society. Stimulate the motivations in men is a function of education than adults; It is mission of andragogica activity. The man to survive in this or any other planet’s sidereal extension should always add, not subtract, or divide but multiply its cultural, scientific and technical heritage. The Andragogical Act, i.e. the educational activity in adult life is different. The first term is not a measurement because it is not an adult generation transmits to others their formed patterns and system of life. In Second, place there itself a master agent in the strict sense of the word responsible for imposing the designeos of a sector of the adult society to another sector. The representative elements that we have made reference in a developed society adult owns it and the them remain marginalized, culture (illiteracy) these representative elements can be purchased if needs arise as a consequence of the development economic partner of human groups. Elaborate: Erik de Jesus Gallardo Martinez Zona Los Tuxtlas.