The Human

Posted by on April 26, 2013 in General |

There is a core in all this? The answer will have to find it every one of you. Wait tell it us, it is the easiest thing, repeating answers digested and processed by others who claim to know is much better because so we don’t have to work internally; and I wonder: do others know? I can only say that, it is essential to find this core to emerge from the shadows and begin walking toward the path of light. Clarity will be transformed into wisdom and everything will be done in a true miracle. The sky will descend upon the Earth and all of us will be part of the same reality: love. VISION II absolutely almost everything around me is a creation of the mind. All.

The bus that transported me was invented by man, shirt of the driver, the seat where I’m sitting, clothes of everyone around me. The houses that I see out the window were removed from the thought of someone. I’m traveling on the illusion of other people who saw what’s public transportation and then designed.Right now I’m sitting on a couch, facing the screen of a computer that was also invented by the human creation, books to my around it are filled with thoughts of the past, people who lived for hundreds of years, even thousands; and however found here.When I see that almost everything is a product of the human mind, I feel that we are the creation of a Superior mind, which is beyond our comprehension. I say this because when I see the sky, stars, the petal of a flower; there I do not see the hand of the human being, it was not invented by the thought of men. What should I do? Nothing. I stay in silence and contemplate full of astonishment. I bow my soul and I surrender.


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