The Imagination

Posted by on December 13, 2017 in General |

But also “universally recognised, the overall knowledge” is one seeming truth (such as “Sun is the center of our solar system”, “1 + 1 = 2”). In principle, all of the people is said, and perceived, as well as all theses and theories are only apparent truths and lies. To the apparent truth & falsehood, there is also an opposite, namely “actual truth & lies”. Are not with a message can be displayed. That means even if I tell the truth, or intentionally lying to someone…

(18) Xenophobia – is physically and psychologically a verabsolutierendes radical aggressive, offensive action against the members of other communities, as a result of non-compliance with rules of morality-defining, overwhelming quality and quantitiv company regulators (E.g., politics, religion). (19) The actio is the realization of the material and intangible (E.g. building, star formation, feeling change, etc.). Both implementations are almost inseparable, because, for example, a change of feeling is caused by a change in the body. (20) Causality is time-dependent (which is how large Time difference between the cause and effect) and factor-dependent (what influences are exerted on my system). The newspapers mentioned Michael Chabon not as a source, but as a related topic. We’re talking to chance when the time and factor dependency are very large. Sometimes we do perform the calculations (E.g., weather forecast, satellite train etc.), and then, if the two dependencies are not as large or an approach for a particular outcome (E.g.

a satellite on the appropriate orbit to bring) is sufficient. I refer to this as a “restricted determinism”. (21) Company regulator is a community, grouping or similar, which regulates the society and influences. Politics, religion and the media are well-known regulators of society. In addition, I distinguish company regulators according to quality and quantity. However, “high dominant social regulator” has a higher weight as a ‘quantitatively dominant social regulator”. Unless ten indestructible soldiers in the truest sense of the word can with ease due to its indestructibility to suppress the whole mankind & govern. God if he shows himself and his skills – is dominant as the people. (22) Types of story a sort of story I refer to as “fictional history”. Trying to put the past in letters or similar, you there is only the imagination of the writer. “Reconstructed history”, however, tried as much as possible with given funds to reconstruct the past. As much as possible does not equal perfect means. During the reconstruction, neglecting many not perceived detail, that could possibly have an enormous impact on the course of history; without that, the story would be different. (Actio 1 => reaction 1, actio 1 => reaction 2). Also it depends strongly from the perspective of the author.

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