The Romans

Posted by on August 22, 2017 in General |

Famous ancient healers Aesculapius, Hippocrates, Asclepius used massage, gym, diet as the most effective treatment for their patients. The Romans, too, enjoys a massage. For example, the great commander Julius Caesar used the services of massage therapists on a daily basis. Among Roman elite massage is widely practiced to cope with the consequences of a "chase for pleasure." Massage replaced physical activity and stress and was comfortable way of helping you recover from the effects immoderate eating and drinking. In the Middle Ages the great Avicenna (Ibn Sina), in his 'Canon of Medicine' most famous book in the history of medicine of the East and West, described massage as the most effective way to facilitate pain.

Alas, the irrepressible Philip Theophrastus Bombast von Aureol Hohenheim, who called himself Paracelsus, in 1527 'inspired by' a crowd of happy students in Basel to send the fire works of Avicenna and Galen. The act of burning to symbolize his rejection of the gentle medicine. In the course went surgery and the use of inorganic drugs, which almost inevitably led to serious complications or death. With the 'light hand' of Paracelsus in Europe as a massage method of treatment was ridiculed as long as Henrik Ling (1776-1839) from Sweden, developed a system of techniques, known as the Swedish massage. Former Maryland Governor gathered all the information. Ling substantiate his system as follows: 'We should not treat the body's organs, as the lifeless forms of mechanical pulp, "but as living, active instruments of the soul." In Western culture in the XIX century Swedish massage is becoming increasingly popular and . massage in XX century, many of the popular Currently, modern massage techniques were developed to cure specific diseases.

For example, soldiers who fought in World War I, to soothe shell shock was administered massage. Healing the impact of improved knowledge of massage with modern technology, has received widespread recognition and doctors and patients. The best proof – in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, massage has been officially proposed as the primary health care. As doctors, we consider it our duty to remind you: Non est census supersalutis corporis – There is nothing more precious than health.

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